Keep it movin’


Guess who’s backkk!!!! not that you missed me or anything. I wish I could say I have been busy fighting for world peace and ending world hunger or trying to figure out what the hell Jay Z said to Solange. Nope, none of the above (sorry to disappoint). But wait, crazy Lady’s got some news – I accepted a great job offer in the ATL!!! That’s right, I’m taking over ATL bisshhhesss!!!

For those of you who follow me, you know it was just a matter of time before I moved on to my next adventure. Don’t get me wrong, Cali was AWESOMENESS!! C’mon, you can’t beat sunshine and beaches especially during what was considered one of the worst winters ever. But a girl’s gotta move on to bigger and better thaanggss.

I have spent the past two years travelling through three four different states, and it looks like the fourth might be the one that ties me down. Oh yeah, you read that right, ATL is about to make an honest woman outta me! least for the next two years – YIKES!!. Time to finally make friends and stay long enough to hang out with them and maybe a boyfriend? DOUBLE YIKES!!

That being said, I am totally ready to settle down and interact with real people (I think). The good news is I will finally have a shot at a social life since college. The bad news is I probably won’t be posting here as much, not that there was a lot of that going on in the first place.

Anyhoo, this is the part where you have to help this newbie settle in her fourth city. Yupp…all my online buddies/followers/passers by located in Atlanta or who have ever lived there, feel free to recommend some good restaurants, bars/clubs/turn up spots, churches and fun activities. I hope ATL does not disappoint (maybe I’ll see Nene from the Housewives show around) 🙂

Hunt or be Hunted


Two words..Frank Underwood.

Be not afraid, for I am not here to offer any spoilers; I am way too considerate for that! I have been looking forward to Valentines day 2014 for quite a while and not for the reason you think. My BFFs over at Netflix gave me yet another reason to love them by releasing season two of one of House of Cards to cure my lonely heart on lover’s day. While you were at dinner with your honey, I was having a 18 hour date with Mr. Frank Underwood. Yes folks!!!, this is a personal record for yours truly. In true Lady fashion, I binged a whopping 13 jaw dropping episodes all night Friday into Saturday allowing myself a few hours of shut eye of course.

I just feel bad that I had to put my poor 65 year old retiree neighbor through all that yelling at my TV and  occasional screams (my bad!). As an all-things-TV and movie fanatic, it is my social obligation to share my thoughts on what I watch and there were quite a few decent takeaways from this show in particular –

Insecurity is wack – No one has time to deal with people who are always seeking validation from others – I know I sure as hell don’t. As one of my favorite bosses and mentor once said to me “Fake it till you make it”. Think “What steps do I take to fix this mess?”, NOT “OMG I’m freaking outtt I can’t deal!!”. This especially applies if you are in a leadership position. It’s like a domino effect – freak out, and it will be a full on chaotic mess, Black Friday style. Tell that to my boss!!
Comfort is not your friend – Its quite simple – stability leads to comfort, which cripples your urge to want more for yourself. Don’t get it twisted folks, there is a very fine line between ambition and greed. Point is, be happy with what you have and where you are but always seek to challenge yourself to be better or you will be stuck in this perpetual state of contentment which could lead to a lot of shoulda woulda coulda’s…just sayin’
Claire Underwood’s Wardrobe – WHAT THE FAB??!! I want need her entire closet. Period.

Check out this article’s full list of life lessons you can learn from Frank Underwood of House of Cards. Point is, it’s a great show and you better start watching the second season, including all of you who live under rocks and have no idea what House of Cards even is (you would have to start from season 1 though).

Now that I binged, I have officially entered into a state of depression till June 6th when  Orange is the New Black comes back for a second season.